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Carpet Flea Treatment

Best Carpet Flea Treatment Service

Best Carpet Flea Treatment Service

Carpet flea treatment can be sometimes difficult; the reason is that there is no chemical treatment on the market that penetrates fleas’ eggs. Did you know that adult fleas can lay up to 50 eggs a day, and many them will fall into your carpet and hatch into larvae that can burrow deep into carpet fibres? The thing about fleas’ eggs is that they can remain dormant until vibrations or sound waves cause them to hatch.

Because of this, it is imperative that if you have booked a flea treatment that the entire house is vacuumed before our arrival. This will cause vibrations and suck up remaining eggs which may be present in the home. With our flea treatments, it is a requirement that the carpet is freshly vacuumed. We can provide this service, or you, the customer is welcome to do this yourself. Our vacuums are high-grade commercial quality with a power rotating head, so it is recommended to let us vacuum first.
To book our service, search on your browser ” best carpet flea treatment” you will see your our website. We are just a call away

How Carpet gets Flea

Carpets can become infested with fleas through various means, and understanding how these pests find their way into carpets can help in implementing effective prevention and control measures. Here are common ways that carpets can get fleas:


Pets, particularly dogs and cats, are a common source of flea infestations in carpets. Fleas often hitch a ride on pets that have been outdoors, in areas with other infested animals, or in contact with environments where fleas thrive.

Outdoor Exposure:

Fleas are commonly found in outdoor environments, especially in grassy areas, gardens, or yards where wildlife or stray animals may carry fleas. If pets spend time outdoors and bring fleas inside, the pests can transfer to carpets.

Wildlife Infestations:

Wildlife, such as rodents or birds, can carry fleas. If these animals have access to the interior of a home, they can introduce fleas, and the pests may eventually find their way into carpets.

Infested Furniture or Fabrics:

Fleas can infest furniture, blankets, or other fabrics. If these infested items are in close proximity to carpets, the fleas may transfer onto the carpet fibers. This is particularly relevant if pets frequently use or rest on infested furniture.

Human Clothing:

Humans can inadvertently carry fleas into homes on their clothing. If individuals have been in areas with flea infestations, the pests may hitch a ride on clothing and be deposited onto carpets once inside.

Previous Infestations:

If a home has experienced a flea infestation in the past, even if it was successfully treated, flea eggs may still be present in carpets. These eggs can hatch later, leading to a new infestation.

Neighbouring Infestations:

Fleas can travel between adjoining properties, especially in multi-unit housing or shared living spaces. If a neighboring area has a flea problem, the pests may migrate into carpets in your home.

Visitors with Pets:

Guests who bring their pets into your home may inadvertently introduce fleas. Even if the pets are not visibly infested, fleas or eggs on the animals can transfer to carpets.

Used Carpet or Furniture:

Fleas can hide in used carpets, rugs, or upholstered furniture. If such items are brought into a home without proper inspection and cleaning, they can introduce fleas to the new environment.

Steps for carpet flea treatment:


Start by thoroughly vacuuming the entire carpet, paying close attention to areas where pets frequently rest. Vacuuming helps remove adult fleas, eggs, and larvae. Be sure to dispose of the vacuum bag or clean the vacuum canister immediately to prevent fleas from reinfesting the area.

Carpet Cleaning:

Steam cleaning, or hot water extraction, is an effective method for killing fleas and their eggs. The high temperatures can eliminate fleas in various life stages. Professional steam cleaning services or rental machines are available for home use.

Flea Control Products:

Use flea control products specifically designed for carpets. These may include carpet powders, sprays, or foams that contain insecticides. Follow the product instructions carefully, ensuring proper application and safety precautions.

Pet Treatment:

To prevent reinfestation, it’s crucial to treat pets for fleas simultaneously. Use vet-recommended pet friendly flea control products. Regular grooming and maintaining a flea prevention routine for pets are important.

Regular Cleaning:

Vacuum carpets regularly, especially in areas where pets spend time. Keeping the environment clean helps prevent flea eggs and larvae from developing.

Consulting Professionals:

If the flea infestation is severe or persists despite home treatments, consider consulting professional carpet cleaner like us “Hire Carpet Cleaner“. We can assess the situation and provide targeted treatments to eliminate fleas from your home.

Our Process involved in Flea Treatment


After you book our service, our experts will visit to your place and they will inspect your carpets thoroughly to understand the level of infection. Each levels have different process and cleaning solutions to treat carpets. 


After inspecting the carpets our experts will identify the types of flea. The common flea found in Australia are dog flea, cat flea and human flea. Based on the types of flea our experts will do the treatment.


Once the types of flea identified our experts will use the special chemical to treat the flea. For cat flea we use different chemical, for dog flea we use different. In short we have special chemical for every type of flea.  Once we have identified the pest, we use different methods and solutions to remove it. We also give advice to our clients on how to best maintain the environment in long term.

Treatment Selections

In General the chemical our experts use are non-toxic which means it is safe for pets as well as kids. But if the flea are not removed with the above chemical then our experts will use hard chemical to remove them. After removing our experts generally advice the clients to keep kids and pets away for few hours away from carpets